Sunday, September 15, 2024

100th Anniversary

100 Years of Scouting in Simsbury

Please join with Troop 76 as we celebrate 100 Years of Scouting in Simsbury!
After a year of delays and pandemic uncertainty, Troop 76 will celebrate our 100th anniversary on Saturday, October 2 from 1:00 to 2:00 at Boy Scout Hall, 695 Hopmeadow Street, between First Church and the Library.  It may not be big, it may not be fancy, but we will get together, share some memories, and reconnect with some old friends.
Our intent is to have an outdoor celebration.  If the weather forces us inside face masks will be required.  Please note that the First Church parking lot is currently under construction. 
We recommend that you park in the commuter lot on Iron Horse Blvd. behind Fitzgerald’s and walk over to Boy Scout Hall.
We hope to see you at the celebration.  Alumni, wear your old uniform!
Best Regards,
Troop 76 100th Anniversary Committee


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